Thursday, March 08, 2007

Stoppin' by

Well, I've been chastised for my lack of consistent blogging...but it's okay, because Judy, I think you're the only one reading anymore anyway! Since I can't post as regularly, I think my other readers have stop coming by. (sniff!)

So, let's see - what's been going on? I had a birthday this week. Happens every year...nothing to see...move along.

I've gotten started on my yardwork/gardening for the spring season. It may still be winter where you are, but here it's been in the 70s and sunshiney all week. Gorgeous! So, I've gotten my flower beds weeded, and I've started on weeding and doing weed-n-feed for the lawn, and I'm planning what new plants to put in as well as which ones to move around. I've got a few plants that have become overshadowed by other plants as the other plants have grown up, and some that I've just figured out don't do as well where they are as they might in another part of the yard. I'm also going to try dividing some plants this year - a day lily plant and possibly some of the cannas in my front yard. It's kind of scary to think of digging them up and cutting the roots and what-not. But I can take it. I can be bold! And I can buy more if I end up killing them, I guess...

This weekend I'm going to get to see the boo-boos. That would be my niece and nephew. Love those kids! My brother and his fam are going to come up to my parents house, so I'll meet them there and we'll have some family time. We're alot like the Kennedys - we have a "compound" and we play touch football and eat lobster. Oh wait. No, we're not. But we'll probably watch some TV and maybe eat some Mexican food.

Hey, does anyone else read the Kay Scarpetta novels? I'm reading one right now, and I wonder if anyone else pictures Kay Scarpetta as looking like Patricia Cornwell, the author? I always do.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Hey - OF COURSE I'm stopping by! Silly girl!

We've been working hard in the yard, between illnesses and all...

We should plan a get together soon - now that everythings all sunshiney and all!