Monday, March 12, 2007

Step off.

A little note about personal space: Learn it. Love it. Live it.

If you go to a movie theater, and there are lots of empty seats, do NOT choose a seat next to someone else. This is particularly true if you can count the number of other filmgoers in that theater on one hand.

If you get on an elevator, and there's only one other person on the elevator, step to the opposite side of the car from that person. This is a particularly true if you are just rushing back from a smoke break.

If you are in a crowd, and breaking the normal boundaries of personal space is unavoidable, keep your hands in your pockets, and keep them still. You do not have permission to touch my waist to indicate that you'd like to pass by me...or any other part of my body for that matter. No touchie.

And if I'm sitting anywhere at any time working on my laptop, do not stand behind me where you can watch what I'm doing. Yeah, pal. I'm talking to you - you supposedly texting on your cell phone behind my right shoulder. There's 50 open seats in here. Grab one. Or stand at the back of the room. Or kick your own ass to the curb. I don't care. Just step awaaaaaay from me.

That is all.


Judy said...

He was probably taking a screen shot of your envy.

Anonymous said...

Amen, sister! Preach it!