Saturday, March 03, 2007

Austin rocks.

Zowie, what a busy couple of weeks this is for Austin! You can't believe everything that's going on around town.

This week, we've had Texas Independence Day (also known as "The Best Day in the World!") activities, the Texas high school girls basketball tournament, a swim meet, a softball meet, a baseball game, a college basketball game, a kite festival - and that's just what I can think of off the top of my head. I'm know there's more, but I'm not motivated enough to look it up.

And it doesn't slow down next week. There's an arena football game tomorrow to kick off the week (if you start your week on Sunday. I personally consider Monday the start of my week, but that's another post.), and the boys basketball tournament, and I SXSW is coming up - next week? I'm not sure. I never go. It's too crowded and I'm a little curmudgeonly about paying for some expensive pass and then having to beg a doorman to let me in, so I can be smashed in a sweaty, drunk crowd to see a band I've never heard of. Night after night for weeks. I'd rather sleep or see any number of bands on a *normal* weekend around Austin. They're not exactly scarce. And I'm not as much of a music person as I am a TV person anyway. That's just the fact, Jack. I can live with it - so should you.

Anyway, all this activity on the one hand gives we Austinites so very much to choose from to entertain ourselves. On the other hand, tons of people are in town, and most of these events take place in a relatively small area of downtown, meaning there's pretty much no parking. During the week, it doesn't matter too much for me because I'm a state employee so I can use my parking pass to park in the garages reserved for we government worker types. But on the weekends, all bets are off. Because of this, I think I'll just work in the yard and watch tv today - maybe take myself to a movie.

One of my friends has graciously invited me to come out to the clubs with her and her boyfriend tonight, but I think I'm pooped. I worked until 11 pm the last two nights at my extra job, plus I worked late on Wednesday at my regular job (just a couple of hours, but late is late), so I think tonight might just have to be a quiet night at home. Unless I change my mind later this afternoon. I reserve the right to keep my options open. :)


Judy said...

Of COURSE Austin rocks! As if!

We get that crazy time around here, too - it lasts from May until September and we call it Schlittersummer.

Judy said...


Couldn't let the day pass without some sort of fanfare on here!


Judy said...

What is this??? You have a birthday and all of the sudden, blogger isn't good enough for you? Tee hee...

Just thinking of you, girl - and hope your birthday was awesome!