Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Shows that I like.

I'll update you on the car situation tomorrow, but for right now, I thought I'd share a list of shows I like - primarily because I'm watching one of them right now, and I find it a more pleasant subject than the car stuff. So here goes:

Criminal Minds (the one I'm watching right now)
The Office
Dominick Dunne's Power and Privilege
Most Haunted
King of Queens
The Amazing Race (though I'm skipping the all-star version - give me new people to love and hate)
Law and Order: Criminal Intent (particularly the ones with Goren)
City Confidential
Dirty Jobs
Dr. G: Medical Examiner
The 4400
The Soup

Shows that I like that are no longer in first run, but I didn't watch them when they were on, so now I'm catching up on reruns or Netflix:

Arrested Development
Sex and the City
The Sopranos
Touched by an Angel

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it's what I can think of at the moment. A little of everything - crime drama, comedy, reality tv, sci-fi. I didn't throw sports in there, but whatever season it is, I'm watching that, too. See any here you like, too? Which ones? Come over some time, and we'll watch together.

1 comment:

Judy said...

How wild is that? Amazing Race is the only one on your list that I watch! And, I'm not watching this season either...blah.

I did watch Sex and the City when it was on, though, on HBO. We got HBO for that very reason.