Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Off to cooler climes

This will be my last post for a couple of weeks - I leave tomorrow for Alaska! Woo-hoo! I'm going on a cruise with the parental units, so this makes my first cruise AND my first trip to Alaska. I'm psyched.

There should be some kind of Internet access on the ship, but I don't know what they'll charge for it, so I'm going to assume I won't be using it. If I'm able to, bonus. I managed a 15-minute stint when I went to Mexico last month, so who knows?

I think I've packed appropriately, but it's awfully hard to pack for 30-60 degree temps when it's 93 outside. You just can't get it in your brain what level of layering will be comfortable at that tempertaure. And I have too many clothes. That's certain. I used to be in a long-distance relationship, and I became a freakin' wizard with packing. I got all my stuff for an entire week's trip to London in my suitcase that fits as a carry-on two years ago. I rock with packing.

But this time, I'm having trouble getting even my clothes in my bag. It's the damn sweaters. I may have to rethink some of my outfits and weed out a couple of sweaters. I already took one out. Looks like I made need to whittle it down further, though. I refuse to be cold the whole trip, and I also hate wearing the same clothes the whole time, but I've got to consider my circumstances. I'm going to use some extra space in one of my parents' suitcases for some non-essential stuff, but my basic clothes and toiletries have to stay with me. I don't check that stuff. I got burned checking luggage one time and then not having access to it when a connecting flight left early and stranded me. The airline put us up at a hotel, but wouldn't give us our luggage. I had no deodorant, contact solution, hair stuff, fresh underwear - nothing. I said never again, and I've lived true to that for almost 10 years now. This trip is apparently the test - the longest trip involving a flight since I instituted my "no checked luggage" rule. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Have to run and do some last-minute stuff. Wish me luck in spotting some whales and having nothing stolen!


Judy said...

I am of the "no checked luggage" philosophy, too - too many things can go wrong there!

HAVE FUN! I am envious of the cooler temps you will get, if for just a little while!

Anonymous said...

I try very hard not to check luggage either. I've had airlines lose my bags more time than I'd like to remember.

Have a great time, Z, and take lots of pics!