Friday, May 19, 2006

Hip(pie), Hip(pie), Hooray!

Okay, so I'm a day late in getting to this, but I just saw the show last night. YEA FOR MY HIPPIES! I was so glad they won!!

I won't do a full breakdown of the show, but a few thoughts:

- One of the frats had on a tux t-shirt during an interview. Uh...stupid.
- The elephants at Royal Kraal were great!! I want to go see elephants!
- I didn't know Tyler had a Japanese girlfriend and spoke Japanese. I'm impressed! Asian languages are very hard to learn.
- I was a little worried when BJ and Tyler got pumped about going to Japan b/c they thought they'd have an edge. As it was, it ended up helping them to make up some time, but traditionally, when a team finds out it's going some place they're familiar with, they get cocky and end up doing worse than teams that don't have an "edge." I remember a season where they went to New York for the last leg, and NY team got all excited, then they ended up not taking the best train. They just went their familiar route, and it wasn't the best choice, and they lost.
- The teams were lucky with how many people spoke English in Japan.
- Did anyone else notice the guy in one of the passing shots wearing a surgical mask?
- Not much romance goin' on in a capsule hotel.
- Fujukyu Highlands - THIS would've been my Roadblock baby! I love roller coasters!
- Frat made me laugh trying to wave at the girls a couple of seat over on the roller coaster. But he MUST have been joking when he called Tyler an idiot for letting the girls touch his beard. He was just jealous he hadn't thought to a grow a beard so he could get that kind of attention.
- Have they ever done a non-elimination round prior to the final leg, meaning that one of the 3 final teams would be racing with no possessions? I don't think so.
- The final Roadblock: the flags. That would've stumped me. I wouldn't have known all the flags.

All in all, a great season! I'm so glad they're back to form after the Family Edition debacle.

1 comment:

Judy said...

It was incredible, wasn't it? I was waiting for your post!

Have a good weekend!