Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mickey Rourke

I should start this post by saying that I like stories where people who have gotten off track eventually get it together and make good again. I do. I'm all about redemption and second chances and people learning from their mistakes, etc.

But as much as everyone wants me to, I just can't get on board the Mickey Rourke train. I just can't. Hollywood is absolutely falling all over itself with love with Mickey Rourke and his "comeback" in The Wrestler. But I'm just not feelin' it. And I can't figure out why they're all SO invested in him actually coming back. Maybe they're all thinking that the Mickey of 9 1/2 Weeks is still in there somewhere. Here is Mickey back in those days:

Not a bad looking fella. I don't care for the cigarette, and that movie was kind of smarmy, and every character he seemed to play afterward was smarmy, meaning that for me, Mickey was just kind of a smarmy guy. So, I was never into him. And maybe that's why I don't care now whether he makes it "back" again or not. But even if I'd liked him back then, I'm pretty sure I'd have no illusions that the old "magic" could possibly be retrieved. I mean seriously, people. Look at this guy:

He is what we in the biz (okay, I'm not really in a "biz" but just stay with me) call a "train wreck." Aside from his sleeziness on film, his personal life has been no better - drugs, alcohol, violence, incarceration. What's the appeal, people? I just don't get it.

I hate to be the bearer of bad predictions, but my best guess is that very soon, he'll be right back off the wagon and the footage we'll be seeing of him won't be of him accepting awards. It'll be of him rambling incoherently, looking unwashed (though I'm not sure how we'll really tell the difference on that one). I predict new and exciting mug shots to add to the ones we already have. Maybe when he ODs, we can have a retrospective, "Through the Years: Mickey's Mugshots."

I suppose I'm being insensitive. I should be hoping the guy stays sober and can salvage his life. And I'm not "hoping" otherwise - if he does that, then more power to him. Prove me wrong, Mick! But I think he'd be better off praying for reincarnation and a chance to do things completely differently next time - preferably not on camera.


Judy said...

Is it sad to say I have no clue who this dude is?

If he isn't a Power Ranger or on WonderPets, I probably have no idea who he is.

Johnny Austin said...

I think the man was doomed to fail, and succeed, and fail again when he decided Mickey was gonna be his actual stage name... You know you can change that right... People do it all the time, Michael J. Fox changed it to that and it's one of my fave names for an actor... Shoulda done it Mickey...

Me said...

He's just a pet rock. The fad will fad. LOL.

Hollywood likes weirdos and with all his plastic surgery and weird Medusa hair he qualifies.

He'll be a joke like Kid Rock soon enough.