Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The lady (half) smiles.

Today is shaping up to be a little less hectic for me than yesterday, so I thought I'd catch up on the news, celebrity gossip, etc. In doing so, I came across this picture of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise:

The picture is being used to bash Katie for her "bony breastplate." Personally, I think she looks fine - thin, but not overly so, in my opinion. I don't think her breastplate looks bony. In fact, she seems to have nice skin. No, what caught my eye wasn't her weight, but her face, or more specifically her smile. It seemed sad to me. I looked closely to see what about it looked sad, and I'm probably already way too drawn into that new show "Lie to Me" (love it!), but I could quickly see some things to me that said, "This lady is not happy."

For one thing, the smile doesn't extend to her eyes. A real smile can be seen in the eyes - they crinkle. But that in itself doesn't necessarily mean anything. Celebrities have to pose constantly, so most of their photographed smiles aren't real, and they have an interest in perfecting a "photo smile" that doesn't crinkle the eyes anyway - they would want their faces to remain as wrinkle-free as possible for as long as possible. Tom's smile doesn't really show the crinkling either, but he looks perfectly happy. So that ain't it.

The more salient point to me is that it's lopsided. The right side of her mouth is curved up into a smile, but the left isn't. It made the smile seem forced and disingenuine to me. So I did a little research to see what that means, and it turns out, it means quite a lot.

According to language expert Patti Wood, MA, CSP: "Psychologists have studied the phenomenon of the split face for many years and have accumulated a reservoir of studies that conclusively indicate that the expression of the left side of an individual's face is far more revealing concerning their emotional state than is their whole face."

When a person is unable to achieve symmetry in their expression, physical injury to facial nerves and such notwithstanding, Wood says that it's indicative of a disconnect between the left and right sides of the brain. And in these cases, it's the left side that reveals what the person is really feeling.

And that makes me feel a bit sad for Mrs. Cruise. Look at the left side of her face - the side closest to Tom. Katie ain't happy. And I have a feeling that the older and more mature she gets, the more she comes into her own as a woman and as a person, the deeper that discontent will grow. Tom never wanted a partner or an equal. He wanted someone he could mold. Katie was young and starstruck, and she signed on. But now that she's becoming an actual grownup, that's not going to be so appealing.

Tom doesn't seem the flexible type to me, and I predict that this marriage, like his others, will fail when Katie's finally had enough. I realize I'm not exactly going out on a limb by myself with that prediction, and I'm no Sylvia Browne, but I'm pretty good at reading people and figuring out how things are likely to play out, and I'm puttin' it out there. So, bookmark this page so that when TomKat is over, you can say, "Suzanne predicted that! Here, I have proof."


Unknown said...

She definitely does not look happy, and it seems that everything she does for "herself" is really to help his movie ratings. She has lost a lot of the life that she used to have before him. It's sad to see sometimes, but in Hollywood, it doesn't last long.

Judy said...

I think she looks fine, other than she needs a better-fitting dress and a bit of support for the sisters. She just looks sloppy up top to me. I agree with you on the happiness factor - she isn't.

Anonymous said...

Ditto on what Judy said about the sisters - that area looks droopy and awkward in that dress. But more importantly, I agree about the happiness issue. In fact, thought that relationship was doomed from the start. But then, I think all of Tom's relationships are doomed from day 1. He's a crazy scientology control freak!