Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So, I decided to upgrade the ole blog a little! I have done very little tinkering since I first started the blog, and it was time to upgrade. There were "widgets" and "fonts" and "colors" that I could play with to freshen things up a bit and bring myself into The Now.

What do you think? And those of you who have blogs, what features and widgets do you use that you especially like? I'm open to fine-tuning!

I'm very much in a mood these days to fine tune, overhaul and just generally upgrade! I'm coming up on a birthday soon, and it's a milestone birthday (the big 4-0). The last time I had a milestone birthday (30), I was not in a good place in and was not happy about my birthday. I wasn't happy about the state of my life - personally or professionally, and I was in no mood to celebrate the end of my 20s with no more to show for it than I felt like had.

Looking back, I had made progress and started things moving in the right direction, but at the time, I couldn't really see that and had no way of knowing how everything would take off in my 30s. Nearing the end of my 30s now, I see that it's been a decade of important successes. I've achieved professionally and financially, climbing the ladder in my chosen field and writing a novel that I'm now working to get published. And most importantly, I've found success personally. I have a man I love by my side, and that's worth everything.

But I'd like my 40s to be even more. I'd like my relationship to grow and prosper - to become stronger than ever and reach new heights for both of us. That's the most important thing. But I'd also like to find professional success in a different way than I pursued it in my 30s. I'd like to find more freedom and to be able to turn my passions and my gifts and my skills into the financial success that will sustain me and feed the life I'm building with J. I'd like to be free of the artificial constraints that have always been such a part of my working life and find a way to work in a more goal-oriented, rather than clock-oriented, environment. I want to work and be productive and creative and to be proud of what I do, but be able to do it more on my terms.

I've wanted that for a long time, and have at times had a taste of that kind of work life, but haven't found it yet. I believe that in the coming decade, I will be able to finally achieve it, and it will work in symbiosis with my relationship to create exactly the life I've wanted for so long. I have a really good life now, but I think it can be even better, and I think by the time I celebrate my next milestone, I will look back at my 40s and see a time of great satisfaction and achievement in the most important ways - I think this will be a decade of great happiness for me, and I look forward to it!

J, I'm so glad you're my man. God, I'm so glad you take care of me. And friends, I'm so grateful for you every day! I've still got a few more weeks before I have to check a new box for "age range" on surveys, but I'm so ready to get started on this new era in my life!


Tiffany said...

Hey Suzanne, the big 40 congrats. There is a great site to get cute backgrounds. Check out Alliebrowndesigns.blogspot.com

If you want any help, I love to do it for everyone. I have done practically everyone's in my families blogs. Let me know. Seriously, it is my favorite thing to do.

Tiffany said...

You have been gone for six days, I missed you. Plus I love your profile pic! super fun.

Suzanne said...

Tiff, I didn't find any at Allie Brown that did it for me, but I found the one I ended up using at http://www.thecutestblogontheblock.com. Thanks for the guidance - you got me started!

Judy said...

I almost fell out of my chair with your profile pic - I thought it was your MOTHER! HAHA

Your blog looks great - not all generic-ish like mine, but I'm all about the template.

I'm quitting my freelance writing jobs at the end of this month. I'll keep teaching, but the writing - it is time. I'm just really bogged down in it and life outside of writing. They offered me a HUGE raise, but seriously, if I don't feel good about my writing now, paying me more isn't going to change that.

Anonymous said...

Z, I love your new blog look, AND I love your outlook on approaching your 40's! I'm not far behind you and I feel the same way. I'm so proud of and inspired by you and your goals for the next decade, and I wish you well both personally and professionally. As a friend, I'm glad I can participate in your life and see where you were a few years ago and where you're headed now, and be even a tiny part of that experience for you. I look forward to that and to your equal participation in my life as well!