Thursday, September 04, 2008

The news in pictures. Who needs words?

I've been a little busy lately, but I've finally come up for air and gotten caught up on the news. I haven't really been able to read all the many news stories out there, but I've found that I can get the gist of things just by looking at the photos that accompany the stories.

For instance, there are currently three potential hurricanes churning their way through the Atlantic toward the U.S. right now - Hanna, Ike and Josephine:

Also, a really creepy couple in Michigan got married at funeral home:

But I think the news that suprises me most is that Tina Fey has apparently been chosen as John McCain's running mate:

I wonder if she'll still have time to write for 30 Rock. I love that show.


Judy said...


On the funeral home wedding...I haven't seen the story - did they meet there? Work there? Have a mutual interest there (like the same dad and they live in Kentucky or something)?

Suzanne said...

Apparently, the husband works there, and he didn't see much difference between the funeral home and a church, and the wife said she's all about being unique. This truly begs a post all on its own.

Suzanne said...
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Unknown said...

LOLOLOLOLOLOL! Nice baby, I always love it when you catch me off gaurd with your witt... ;)