Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricane Ike - on the way

Well, kids, Hurricane Ike is going to hit us. I was fairly certain that the track they were predicting the last few days wouldn't hold - hurricanes tend to veer in the last couple of days before they hit. I just wasn't sure which direction it would veer - toward Mexico or toward Houston. Unfortunately, it's taken a more northly path, bringing it more toward Galveston and Houston.

I think the direct hit will be a little south of there, but the east side of the hurricane is the more destructive side, so that's bad news for my beloved hometown. My relatives there are evacuating. They'll be coming up this direction to stay with us, and we'll just have to see how bad the weather gets up here in Central Texas. I'm just glad they have us to run to when something like this happens. We can provide them a safe and familiar place to wait it out.

I have to go now and get my fix from The Weather Channel. I'll probably be glued to it for the next couple of days!

1 comment:

Judy said...

Let me know when your brother makes it town. Gigi's staying put.