Thursday, September 25, 2008

David Blaine

Does anyone else out there roll their eyes anytime you hear that David Blaine has some new illusion/stunt/trick to inflict on the world?

I don't deny the guy has talent. Or in some cases maybe just a lot of will power. His "magic" tricks are definitely cool, and I have no idea how he accomplishes the illusions.

But he's just so full of himself. And everything he does is always in some public space, so that the people who live in the city where the stunt is can't really avoid it. I expect him to say each time he announces some new spectacle, "I won't be ignored!"

I mean, if what he's doing really has value, rent some space and charge admission. If people really want to see you, they'll pay for the privilege. And all the people who live and work near the "event" who don't really care to be a part of it don't have to. He's bound to have sponsors who pay the bills for these stunts, and he clearly knows that if he had to rely on people actually paying to watch, it wouldn't pay for itself.

So get a Vegas gig. Get a tv show like that Criss Angel dude. Or just get a job. But stop acting like you're the most interesting man in the world because you're willing to lie in a box underground for 7 days or encase yourself in ice for a week. Because you're not. According to Dos Equis, this guy is:


Judy said...

Yeah, well, we ignored him - didn't even know about that fall stunt last night until it was over. Heh heh heh to David!

Tiffany said...

Suzanne, I enjoy reading your blog. I cant stand David Blaine myself. He drives me nuts. I know this sounds terrible but every time I see him doing another stupid stunt I secretly wish that something would go horribly wrong and that would be the end of him. Sick but true. That is how much he annoys me. Great blog.