Monday, September 08, 2008

I'm a weiner!

My friend Judy gave me a blog award! I'm not sure what I win exactly, except for the right to put this logo on my blog:

But I'm all about accepting glory, so thanks Judy for the praise!

Unfortunately, after I came down from my "big winner" high, I realized there was responsibility associated with this award. According to Judy, there are steps attached to accepting this award:

1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog. (YAY!)

2. Link the person you received your award from. (Done!)

3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs. (What? You mean I have to share the adulation?)

4. Put links of those blogs on yours. (What am I - a machine?)

5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you’ve nominated. (Oh sure. I've got nothing to do all day but comment on people's blogs. No, seriously. I've got nothing to do all day but comment on people's blogs.)

Okay, then. I've already added the logo to my blog, so I'd better get on with the nomination thing.

1. I'm going to cheat and put Judy's blog on my list of nominations, even though she's already gotten this award: Where One Day Runs Into Another.
2. Next is Busy Mom. Not that she needs me to send people to her, because she's pretty big time already, but I do love her blog, so there ya go.
3. I can't get enough of Banterist. Please to enjoy.
4. The Daily Kitten is awesome, because every day you should have a little kitten time.
5. The Bleat is not to be missed. Jim Lileks is my blogging inspiration and hero.
6. Tasty Type is my friend Lauren's food blog. Everything Lauren touches looks fabulous, and every time I go to her blog and see what really good food is, I feel a little sad looking at the Lean Cuisine sitting on my desk.
7. I went to London a few years ago, and I really loved the city. So, I like to visit London Daily Photo and pretend I could actually walk down the street and see whatever is posted on any given day.

If I have time, I'll try to post a message on all of these sites, but if I don't get to it, at least I've fulfilled most of my obligation! But let's put the focus back where it belongs: on me. Comment on my blog and tell me you love me, too!!! Pleeeease!


Johnny Austin said...

I love, love, Love You! And your blog too!

I'm gonna check out all the blogs you posted right now, cause your endorsement is worth a look for sure!


Anonymous said...

Aw, shucks! That's awfully sweet of you. Thanks for the kinds words. I've been getting a big kick out of your blog too. You make me laugh out loud all the time. Thanks!!