Saturday, May 19, 2007

Run, Forrest, Run!

Well, after a 3-week hiatus, I'm back! I didn't intentionally go AWOL, but after getting back from Chicago, I made a big decision. I decided to leave my job and look for new opportunities. It so happened, that the day before I turned in my notice, so did my boss! In fact, we're the 4th and 5th of 8 people in my section to leave since January. That should give you some idea what it's been like the last few months.

Anyway, as you can imagine, the last few weeks have been pretty crazy - a whirlwind of preparing my co-workers for the big transition of my departure as well as my boss's, and beginning a new and energized job search (I've been looking for several months, but a kicked in into high gear after turning in my notice at work). It might seem crazy to quit your job before you have something new lined up, but it was just time, and I had prepared for this possibility, so I was ready. And I have the utmost faith that God will lead me to the right "next step."

In fact, things are already moving quickly. I've had two interviews this week and have two more set up for next week, so you can imagine I haven't had much time to post! I'll keep you apprised of how the job hunt goes, and hopefully I'll have an announcement to make in the not-too-distant future. Honestly, I think it'll happen before I even really want it to! I was kind of looking forward to having a couple of months off before I jumped back into the daily office grind, but it looks like things are going to happen pretty quickly!

That's a good problem to have, and I won't complain, but how do you think it might go over if I tell a new employer that I'd like an August start date????

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