Tuesday, May 22, 2007

This is more like it.

Okay, Day #2 of unemployment is more like I had dreamed it would be. I slept until I woke up (which, surprisingly, was not much later than when I was working...what up with that?), puttered around the back yard filling the bird feeder and deciding what yard work to do this afternoon, then I showered and headed out to run errands. I'm now at a Seattle's Best, enjoying java and coffee cake and availing myself of their wi-fi. THIS is what I'm talkin' about, Willis.

The second interview went well yesterday as far as I can tell, so now it's a waiting game. If they make an offer, supah. If not, I'll get back on the job hunting trail. I've got that machine gassed up and ready to go if need be, so no worries. I'll keep you apprised if word comes. So for now, let's talk about something else!

How about...TV???!!! Last night was the season finale for Heroes. I've definitely been hooked, if annoyed at the many "breaks" the show kept taking during the season. I very much enjoy watching the storyline, as well as all the beautiful people. I think to be a Hero, you have to be exceptionally good-looking. Except for Ted. He wasn't so much. In fact, I'm pretty sure that actor plays one of the cavemen in those Geico commercials. And he doesn't need as much makeup as you might expect.

Anyway, the coolest thing about last night's show was that Richard Roundtree, aka Shaft, was on there! I'm not kidding! See what you non-Heroes watchers are missing? That man just personifies cool. He really does. And his scene was with my favorite cutie hero, Peter Petrelli. I've decided I will not believe that Peter blew up last night. I'm okay with it if Nathan did. He was always kind of slimy, but once I found out that the actor who plays Nathan is married to Dixie Chick Natalie Maines...well, I can hardly look at him now.

Sorry if you think the Dixie Chicks are the voice of reason and strength. We shall have to disagree on that. Let's instead focus on the concept that sometimes knowing too much about an actor's real life and real opinions, etc. can hinder your ability to watch them on screen. Whether or not it SHOULD be that way is irrelevant. While I may guess that Kevin Spacey is gay, I prefer not to *know* it for the simple reason that if I *know* it, I'll have more trouble buying him in a role where he's straight. I love Kevin Spacey, and I think he's an amazing actor, and he really brings his characters to life for me. I want to keep it that way. If I begin to know him too much, I'll see him instead of the characters he's playing when he's on screen.

I mean ask yourself - if you saw Sean Penn in a role where he's playing President Bush, could you buy it? Honestly? And could you really believe he's giving the character an honest representation? Despite everything know you know about Sean Penn and his beliefs and his personal activities in recent years? Or would you see Sean Penn playing Bush, and wondering where his personal biases are coming through? How about Charlton Heston if he were playing Jimmy Carter? Could you lose yourself in the suspended reality and really see Carter when you look at Heston? Penn and Heston are both fantastic, accomplished actors. But you know too much, don't you?

So, that's all I'm sayin'. Bring my Peter back, but it's okay if Nathan is space dust now. Oh, and Ang wants Hiro and Ando to stop being innocent and subtitled. So, Heroes writers, see what you can do for us next season. Thaaaaaanks.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Monday night TV has been nonexistent for me this year.

However, I did see the season finales of Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters. DH was okay, BS left much to be desired IMO. I love Sally Field in this role, but I felt like it wasn't her best Sunday night. And now I have to wait all summer to see another one that I haven't already seen!

Hey, and I'm commenting on your blog! Go figure...dern blogger!

I am assuming you moved on from the coffee shop to other venues by now (I hope!).