Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I sense...aggravation.

My allergies have taken an interesting turn this year. I've been taking Zyrtec pretty religiously, and that seems to be doing a good job - I'm not incapacitated like I have been at times in the past. But the assault on my sinuses/head has still been detectable. Some days are worse than others. What's interesting this year is that my body seems to be reacting at times to the alien pollen invaders with a cone of silence.

By that, I mean that at times I have this thing going on with my ears where it's like someone has plugged them up and then begun to apply pressure from the inside. It's not the kind like I had this summer when I had to fly with a monster cold and the pain was so intense I wanted to take an ice pick to my ears to make it stop. It's more annoying that painful. It not only obstructs my hearing somewhat, but it imposes sound that's not normally there. Like sometimes I hear this low hum, like I'm sitting next to a loud speaker that's just waiting for a band member to bust out a sweet guitar lick. Other times, low-pitch sounds just become magnified, or like I can almost feel them - like when one of the homies in my neighborhood drives by with his bass boomin'. It's really very distracting because there's no way to escape it. It's IN my HEAD!

Luckily, this phenomenon hasn't been constantly present. It comes and goes. But it feels like it may want to do it today. I already hear this sort of vibrating hum from the heating vents over my cube. Do you think this will make my psychic?

1 comment:

mc said...


It means you are psychic. However the "it imposes sound that's not normally there" part indicates a nascent insanity. Sadly this means you will never be able to separate legitimate fortune telling from the thoughts the government is sticking into your noodle.