Friday, January 19, 2007

Free at last!

The icy weather has finally lifted - woohoo! I actually left the house yesterday for the first time in a week to venture out past my neighborhood. I remembered how to drive and everything! I plan on driving every day for the foreseeable future - just because I can.

It was kind of a weird week because we never really got excessively cold here - upper 20s at the coldest, but we had a coat of ice on just about everything that made travel dangerous. Most people stayed home as they were asked to, but there were still hundreds of accidents. Luckily there weren't too many power outages, though. Here's how it looked at my house.

My oleander tree, which normally reaches the roofline:

Icicles from my roofline (I took this the first day of real ice - they were longer on the second day):

A closeup of the leaves on the oak tree in my front year:

My carnations looked like a sculpture:

My Ruidoso bear was right at home:

But I had a refugee who wasn't at home in the icy conditions - look under the work surface of my work bench:

I'm not sure if it's a chicken or a rooster (what am I? A farmer?), but Matt says it's good luck and a heroic symbol, signaling success against difficult forces. Yeah!! That's what it is! I mean, I've never seen a chicken in my backyard before, and I was born in the year of the rooster! I think he's right. It's a sign.

When Murphy finally spotted our visitor, she didn't have much to say about its cosmic significance - she mostly just watched its every move:

So, that's how it was around here. Let me know if the size on these pictures are big enough or if it would be better for me to publish them in a larger size. Everyone have a great weekend - I'm going to go run around!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I would have taken pics of my ice and stuff around my house last week. It was something. But I didn't - I was lazy.

LOVED the pic of your carnations. That looked really neat.