Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Damn you 94.7!

I don't normally listen to the radio on my way to work in the morning - not FM anyway. It's all DJs that are bit too happy for the ridiculous hour at which I'm listening. I might listen to some talk radio - get the news, check the traffic (which is always a little silly, because either I'm IN the traffic and can see for myself that it's backed up, or it's backed up in some other part of town, which isn't relevant to my situation...but I digress), but usually I listen to a book on tape.

I'm a book-on-tape junkie. I love them. I check them out at the library and pretty much constantly have at least one in my car, if not two. You don't want one to end on a day when the library is closed or you can't swing by and then you don't have a new one to start. Then you're stuck with FM radio in the morning. Which brings me to today.

I'm a little antsy this morning, for reasons I can't go into on the blog, and I felt I needed some music rather than a book - I was having trouble concentrating on the story. So, I turned on the radio. The FM radio. All the DJs on all the stations were talking except one: 94.7. I tuned in there and there was some song playing. It sounded kind of goofy - some bouncy little synthesizer music. Huh. What could this be? And then some child started singing in what sounded like German.

What? I couldn't understand any of it (hello, I'm American - all I speak is English and a smattering of Spanish), and I thought it would end shortly and the DJs would tell me what was going on. But they didn't. The song just kept going...on and on it kept going...with this bizarre little chorus, "Schnappi, Schnappi, Schnappi, Schnap!"

Are children singing about Schnapp's in Germany? Do they have an alcoholism problem there? Is it like Russia? And WHY are they playing this tripe on drive-time radio??

So, I looked it up, because, of course, I couldn't NOT look it up once it burrowed into my brain, and it's a kid's song about a crocodile (sung in German, as I thought).

Here I was, ready to be annoyed by this little ditty stuck in my head, and this cute little cartoon crocodile, presumably named Snappy, comes up on my screen. Awwwww! I'm such a sucker for animals - real and imagined. So, I want to beat the people who got this stupid song stuck in my head, and yet I picture the happy little crocodile when I start to hear the chorus, and I smile. I'm presuming, of course, that the little girl is not singing that the happy crocodile snapped off her arm and ate it like a Nestle Crunch bar.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Don't you just LOVE it when songs get into your head like that???

Sorry I haven't been around - like you, Blogger is being a big toot (my roadrunner cable modem took almost a minute to load the comments page for your blog - almost a minute! EEKS!). But, on top of that, my Bloglines account somehow lost the feed to your site - could be from the switch to new blogger as my own site was lost as well - makes me wonder...how many others have I lost?