Friday, October 27, 2006

Trick or treat! Smell my feet!

I wrote this long blog the other day, complete with pictures and pithy musings - really put some time into it. And Blogger lost the whole thing before ever getting it posted. There's not even a draft of it. I wanted to scream. And I decided I wasn't going to rewrite the freakin' thing - I like writing the blog and all, but girlfriend has a life, ya know.

So, we're in Halloween week. I like Halloween. It's fun to be creative and figure out what to dress up as each year. Luckily, I have fun-loving friends who actually do dress up. I dated a guy last year who acted lost by the whole concept. I knew then that he and I were destined to be a transitory thing, and I was right. I was having a party, and I told him that he didn't have to dress up, but he'd be pretty much be the only one without a costume. At first, Mr. Uptight was going to stick with his "no costume" plan, but eventually, when he must've figured out he really was going to be the only one without a costume, and thus, seen as lame, he finally agreed to wear one, but I had to figure out what it should be since he had no imagination. I came up with something creative, but not too "out there" since Lord knows he couldn't have handled anything to extravagent. My own costume sucked. Luckily, I was at home and among friends.

This year, I'm not throwing a party. I am going out Saturday night to a Halloween-themed show, though, and need a costume. I needed something TV-themed, and I had my heart set on Wonder Woman, but after driving over half of Austin, I couldn't find a Wonder Woman costume in stock. Holy disappointment, Batman! There was a Super Girl in stock, but who the hell wants to be Super Girl [sound of game show buzzer, indicating you may collect your Rice-a-Roni prize and get off the stage]? My second choice was Jeannie, which I have seen many times in many stores, but apparently this year, Jeannie is out, because I couldn't find a Jeannie costume anywhere. When did sexy, blonde harem girls with magical powers go out of style? Strike two. Last on my list was Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island. For this costume, I can use stuff I already have, so I don't have to rely on anyone to have anything in stock. But I must admit, that after putting on the costume I came up with for this one, I wasn't too excited. But what're you gonna do? So, barring any big changes today or tomorrow, it looks like I'll be Mary Ann. I hope it doesn't suck.

I also plan to avoid the trick-or-treaters this year. I have a bunch of them in my neighborhood, and while I run out of candy every year, I'm at least getting better at figuring out how much I need to last later and later. The problem is that after the cutie-pie little kids have come and gone, you start getting punk-ass teenagers who don't bother to dress up and shove an open backpack in front of you for you to drop candy into. This is not the Halloween spirit, and I do not enjoy spending my money on candy to give to these reprobates. Little kids in costume? Absolutely. But semi-adults with an attitude? No, thanks.

I also didn't do any decorating. I have a pumpkin, and I'll carve that if I get around to it this weekend, but that's as far as I am this year. I didn't purposely refuse to decorate. It just never made it to the top of my to-do list. So, I'm going to hide out at the movies while the tricking and treating is taking place. My next-door neighbors sit outside and feed the masses, so they can keep an eye on my place and assure everyone that lack of lights on my porch indicates a lack of candy. I can be entertained for a few hours and avoid the whole exercise. I promise to be more festive when Christmas gets here.


Judy said...

I have lost posts before - before you completely toss the computer out the window next time, though, try hitting your browser's 'back' button. It might re-appear. And, if you look at it in "print preview" screen, you can copy and paste it into Word to save for when Blogger is all better. Another handy trick is to hit that "recover post" link on the compose page. That is one nifty button!

i'm going as myself for Halloween - scary enough as it is!

Anonymous said...

I want DETAILS on the Carousel party from Saturday!...