Monday, October 09, 2006

28-10. (And yes, there's a TAR recap, too.)

That's what I'm talkin' about! Sooners, haul it on back up to Norman and shut your mouths for one more year. You still had Adrian, and Vince is gone, and we still kicked your butts! Nothing is more fun that beating OU, except when you get to beat them AND see Stoops throw his headphones. :) He had a class-A fit in the first half, and the beauty of it was that the ABC guys had *just* shown why the call Stoops was melting down about was a good call. He was making an ass of himself on national television, when every viewer already knew he was wrong. Good show, Bob.

A few thoughts:

1. Maybe now everyone can stop talking about Vince and give Colt a little fan love. Just as I said he would, he's growing and learning and getting better every week. He may have the face of a 10th grader, but Mr. McCoy is a lion out there! Did you see that hit OU put on him in the first drive of the second half? He popped back up like he never even felt it. That's our boy!

2. How about that offensive line??? They rocked! Those quarterback "sneaks" where we shoved OU about 6 yards were awesome!

3. Pooooooor Sooners! (I wasn't there to sing that, so this will have to do - Ang, I do hope you sang it at least once!)

I'll have to cut short the UT adoration, only because I need to recap The Amazing Race. Otherwise, you know I could go on all day about it!

Okay, TAR first had the racers traveling to Hanoi. This first section just had the racers talking about themselves and their relationships mostly.
- I thought it was interesting that Erwin and Godwin feel like they have to represent Asians. Boys, don't worry about all that - just be your great-looking, smart, competitive selves. You're all that.
- When Sarah said, "Peter's a complicated guy," I laughed. Yeah. Complicated. Like Mark Foley is complicated. I think the word you want, Sarah, is "confused."
- Is anyone else tired of the parents on the show talking about how it's all for their kids? God, enough already with that. I'm sure your kids will get a college fund and if you buy a nice house, you'll live in a nicer neighborhood, etc., but come on - it's not "all for the kids," like you're going to keep buying your clothes at Wal-Mart and driving a 1986 Impala, while the kids are lavished with after-school tutoring and organic diets. Yes, your kids will benefit if you win, but if the money were going to be deposited in a trust for their education and you couldn't buy anything for yourself, would you still be doing the race? (I'm sure some people do it in part for the fun of doing it - I think it would be a blast - and that's great, but don't keep crowing about how "it's all for the kids." That makes me gag.)
- So, Rob and Kimberly don't like Peter? Well...who does? Even Sarah doesn't like him much anymore.

The first clue was that recording in the park. That would've been kind of tough, because if you just tried to write it down, you wouldn't know how to spell it to show to a driver. So, the models were smart to get their driver to listen to the recording, but other people did that, too, with less success. Rob and Kimberly, in particular, got screwed by incompetent cabbies. That stuff happens all the time in TAR. Cabbies are a crap shoot.

Roadblock: Ascend Cliff.
I think my partner would have to do this one. I don't have great upper body strength. That arch they had to climb was gorgeous.
- On the boat thing, did the Beauty Queens really cut in front of Lyn and Karlyn? L&K thought so and when one of the girls cut her leg, they said "That's what you get." If they did cut, I'm with L&K. Karma, baby.
- Godwin was awesome when he was cheering David on.
- Tom made me laugh when he worriedly said, "He's going to totally make me do the next roadblock after this."
- Pater is such a gigantic ass. Did you hear him tell Sarah, "Pull the handicap placard and tell them you're next in line."? And the whole time she's climbing he's making jokes and just being all blase as she's killing herself to do the climb. Really supportive, Pete. I don't see anyway they stay together after this race - if she doesn't dump him before they ever finish.

Detour: Over or Under.
I think I would've gone for "Under." I would've been worried about finding the destinations to make the deliveries in "Over." The rowing seemed like it was really hard no matter which one you picked, though. It didn't help that no one seemed to know how to row except one of the models (who would've guessed?), but the wind was really working against them. Peter was his usual pleasant self on this task. I'm torn on this pair, because I'm really rooting against Peter at his point, but I like Sarah. He even ignored Sarah when she tried to compliment him. Jerk.

Pitstop: Soi Sim Island.
- I hate that Rob and Kim got first place because Rob is such a jerk. He's another one I'm rooting against right now. Kim is okay. She can be shrewish sometimes, but who wouldn't be if they were paired with Rob?
- Mary is so funny! Did you hear what she said about Phil? "Scrawny, lil' ol' gorgeous thang." She cracks me up. I don't think she and David can win, but I'm so rooting for them to hang in there as long as possible.
- TnT out. I'm SO bummed about that! I liked those guys, and a lot of personality disappears with those two out. It's especially disappointing that the Beauty Queens were the ones who beat them out for the last spot. Damn.


Judy said...

Yeah, I was really hoping for a non-elimination round... have we seen one yet, or did I just miss it?

HORNS ROCKED!!! We were so excited watching the game - we totally blew of the rest of our plans for the day! WAHOO!!

Anonymous said...

Z, of COURSE I was singing "pooooor sooners!" after the game. And I had plenty of time to do it while J and I walked back and forth trying to find a damn cab outta there.

TAR... I'm not happy that TnT are out and the beauty queens are still in. And yes, I think they DID in fact cut in front of Lyn & Karlyn. I am really liking L&K now. Hate Peter & Sarah and hate Rob and Kim. Mostly because of the guys in those two pairs, but they bring out the nasty in the girls, too.