Tuesday, October 24, 2006


This past weekend I went camping with some family and friends. We went to Palmetto State Park, a nice little park between Luling and Gonzales. There was much to like about the park and our camp site, and a few things that could've been better, but overall, it was a great weekend! A good time was had by all.

I got to the park on Friday afternoon and got all my stuff set up. This was the view driving up to the park headquarters:

Gorgeous day, pretty park. Let me apologize, by the way, for the fact that the pictures on here today are different sizes. I did half of them too large and didn't feel like reloading them.

We opted for an extra-large site instead of two smaller sites, which worked out well for the most part. We had a double-sized picnic table, which was great, and an actual tent pad, so we didn't have to worry about rocks and sticks poking holes in our tents or gouging us in our sleep. Nice set up. The only downside to this site was that we were literally only a few yards from the main road:

(My brother's tent is in the foreground, and the patch of beige visible through the trees is the highway). This meant we heard trucks and trailers passing by all night, and it sounded like they were about to barrel right through our tents. We all agreed that next time we came to this park, we'd rather be in the park's other section, which is away from the road. What we did have, as a result of being where we were, though, was a pond and a river right across from us, and a beautiful artesian well built by the CCC in the 1930s.

Living in the pond were ducks!

(That's Julia and Justin feeding them on Sunday morning.) The ducks were a hoot. They're used to being fed by people, so they were ready to walk right up to you if you had food for them, but they weren't aggressive or mean - they wouldn't try to take it out of your hand or anything. They were very vocal, so of course, we also spent the weekend imitating them. Scott and Justin did a little fishing, and we did a whole lot of eating, roasting marshmallows and hangin' by the campfire.

Saturday night, a cold front blew in, and we were mighty chilly Sunday morning. The temperature was probably in the 50s, but it was very windy, and that made it really cold. This was a big change from the temps in the 80s that we'd had on Saturday. We hovered around the campfire until the wind died down a little and the sun warmed things up. What's a little camping without some crazy weather, though, right?

We'll have to do it again this Spring everyone!

1 comment:

Judy said...

That looks like so much fun! We haven't been camping since Tyler was born. We've set up the tent in the back yard for the boys to play in, but that's it!