Monday, October 16, 2006

An ending of disappointment and relief.

This week's Amazing Race was interesting. I got a little off on the time because of the show getting pushed back thanks to a football game (I guess) and not starting right at 7:00, but I think about half the show centered on the first leg of the race - the flights to Chennai, India.

As soon as I heard "travel agency" I knew the teams would even up from their start times, because they'd have to wait until the agencies opened. I swear, sometimes it's better to not be first and have to get up in the middle of the night for the first start time, when everyone is just going to even up anyway. Give me the extra 15 minutes of sleep. In any case, it was interesting that they just said to find an agency, because rather than everyone bunching up at the airport for the same agents, people dispersed and different agents came up with different flights.

I found it interesting that Tyler and James feel that their experiences as drug addicts, what with the lack of control it imposed on their lives, gives them an advantage, since so much of the race is beyond their control. Whatever.

It was also funny watching Peter try to form alliances with people, after he saw some of the other teams sharing information. Yeah, Pete, they're teaming up because they like each other. No one likes you. And maybe your little performance making fun of Lyn/Karlyn and David/Mary might explain why no one likes you. Asshole.

One question, when The Cho's psyched Peter out on the train, pretending they made reservations for everyone in their group by cell phone, and Peter then found a cell phone to borrow and called a travel agent, was he able to get advance tickets or not? It sounded like he got the tickets when he was on the phone, but then I didn't see him walzing into an agent somewhere and picking up tickets.

And what's up with the ticket agent at the airport telling David and Mary they didn't have seats on the plane for them when the Cho's and Lyn/Karlyn both had an extra seat between them? Obviously, there were seats left on board. I realize you need seats both for the team and for the camera guys, but don't tell me that the two open seats we saw on camera were the ONLY two available seats on the whole plane.

India. Lots of opinions as the teams arrived. Most notable is Peter's remark, that, "We go from one polluted city to another."

Detour: Wild Things or Wild Rice.
Damn. What a choice. I think I'd have to go with the crocs, for the time factor, but sheeeesh. That rice drawing would take way too long, though. David and Mary really shot themselves in the foot choosing that.

As usual, I wanted to slap Peter. He jawed at Sarah the whole time she's trying to do the task, then harped on her constantly to hurry. When she finally tells him, tearfully, that he's pushing her too hard, his response? "Get it together, Sarah. Come on." Then he says he won't even try anymore if she can't keep up. What a dick. Sarah, run from him the second you get home. This is not someone to spend your life with. I was proud of her when he finally, disingenously, tells her the race is just for fun, and she says, "I'm not really having with you, Peter. I'm not."

Road Block: driver's license.
I know how to drive stick, so I'd be okay with the technical aspect (incidentally, I noticed this season that no one is unable to drive stick - good job, teams!) of the driving, but I'd probably get my instructor and I killed in that chaos they call traffic. What IS it with other countries and their Wild West style of driving?? It's like that in countries all over the globe -they're maniacs! I would normally think the "driving school" was just a joke, but considering the driving there, maybe not. And did anyone else think that instructor was really an Indian Elvis impersonator?

Pit Stop. Sarah and Peter are first. That's disappointing, since I can't stand Peter, but what an appropriate prize to give them - home gyms. I noticed they didn't embrace. I imagine Sarah just wants to finish the race and be done with Pete. Loved the Cho's shirts - it took me until the Pit Stop to realize what they said on the front! And YAY!!!!!! David and Mary weren't eliminated, and we have a new twist on what happens to teams who survive the non-elimination round. I like the new rules better than the old ones - that you have to arrive at the next Pit Stop first or incur a 30-minute penalty. That oughtta get David and Mary moving in the next round!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You survived the waxing! I have done it 3 or 4 times now and seriously could never do it again and be happy. I think the perfect solution is the whole laser removal of all hair follicles every #$%Q place we have to shave. Let me know when you are ready to make that appointment and I just might go with!

Judy said...

I loved that David and Mary are still in it - this new twist should make for an interesting episode next week!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I can't STAND Peter. I really can't. He's got to go, and unfortunately that means Sarah, too. But I think it would be a blessing in disguise for her... she needs to lose this guy ASAP. And getting off the show might help her do that, especially right now while she's not too enamoured with him.