Thursday, April 06, 2006


I'm a victim of TMI. Not the kind where a co-worker gives you unwanted information about birthing their third child, but the kind where the news inflicts data upon you before you're ready to know it. Namely, I already know who won last night's leg of TAR and who got eliminated. Darn!!! But this influx of unwanted information will not deter me from watching the full episode and recapping - possibly tomorrow, but maybe not - depends if I get home in time tonight to watch the tape of last night's episode that my mom taped for me. If I get home late after visiting the folks tonight and don't have time to watch the episode, it may take me a few days to get my recap officially logged here.

I do have one current events comment to make. It's not about Duke lacrosse or Tom Delay or Moussaoui trail. I want to know if anyone really cares about Katie Couric moving to primetime news. Really - does anyone care? I think she's gotten more attention than anything else this week, and I just want her face off my computer. I don't watch Today, and I don't watch network news. I watch local news in the morning, then I read a bunch of news sites online during the day. So, Katie's career plans don't interest me in the least. Could we please stop talking about her? Dan Rather didn't get this much play when he retired, and he had a tinge of scandal attached. Katie's got a new job. Let's all move on and try to live like our lives aren't affected...what with them not being affected and all.

1 comment:

Judy said...

I actually got a chance to watch the last half hour of TAR last night, and I almost cried. I loved the nerds!