Thursday, April 13, 2006

Oh, for pity's sake.

The unthinkable has happened. I have no justification - no acceptable excuse. I can only say that due to overscheduling myself and that stupid schedule change instituted last week, I *missed* TAR last night! Missed it as in didn't see it and didn't tape it! I got no recap. I got no pithy commentary. I had to check the CBS site this morning to find out who got ousted. And wouldn't you know - Lake finally gets the boot, and I MISSED IT!!!

I read the recap online, so I'll just make a few comments based on what they wrote. Looks like there were several different opportunities to level the playing field this time as teams caught up to each other at the train station, the airport and the Agora. I definitely would have tried for the Fast Forward. Since you're all running for the restaurant at the same time (Or you should be if all the teams started at Agora at the same time - why did Fran and Barry get there after it was already over? CBS says they arrived "very late to the party" but doesn't say why.), it's just a matter of luck - who breaks the right plate first (that'd be fun, wouldn't it?). And with several teams vying for it, you're not screwing yourself if you don't get it. You know there's at least one other team that will be behind the teams that didn't go for the FF, so you're not automatically in last place. The fact that E&J got it is just more proof of the hippies' contention that they're dumb, but lucky. I'm so aggravated at their luck/dominance. I think they may win the whole thing, and I just can't stand it.

Anyway, back to the CBS recap. Sounds like Joseph is going to take over for Lake in being a butthead. It says he bitched at Monica when she cried after losing the FF. I hope the guy I find to go through life with is actually a nice guy who when I cry, puts his arm around my shoulder and lets me just have my moment. People are allowed to have emotions, you know.

Roadblock: bungee jump. My partner would have to do this one. Not even a conversation. I don't like heights, and hurling myself off a bridge wouldn't happen unless I was being chased by something even scarier than death. My survival instinct is just a little too strong for bungee jumping.

Detour: Herculean Effort or It’s All Greek to Me. I think I would've chosen It's All Greek to Me unless my partner was really athletic. I am athletic, but since you'd be having to meet competitive standards (according to the CBS recap), I'm not sure how effective I'd be. The wrestling, in particular, could've been a bad scene for me!

I can't believe the hippies went 2 hours in the wrong direction! That would've stressed me OUT if I'd been watching it on the show. Not to mention the 15-minute penalty when they managed to arrive at the pit stop ahead of Lake and Michelle. Just so I understand this, Lake and Michelle arrived last because they got lost after leaving the Detour, and Lake got all upset? (snicker)

Well, it's ain't the same as watching it live, but thank goodness CBS does a recap. I'll do better next week! I promise!

1 comment:

Judy said...

Girl, you have GOT to find a tape - GOT TO!

Good recap, though - I'm proud of your ingenuity!