Sunday, October 04, 2009

As Dr. Phil says...

"How's that workin' for ya?"

I have a question. If you love someone, and they find a partner, and maybe you don't like that partner or approve of the relationship (insert your reason here - the universe of reasons why people don't like other people or don't approve of other people's relationships is limitless), but the person you love seems happy, exactly what benefit is there to you of snubbing the partner?

Sure, you've made a point. You've let your feelings be known. You don't approve.

But then what? After you've had your say, why keep "saying" it (sometimes you don't have to speak words to send a message)? What are you accomplishing? Is your snubbing bringing you closer to the person you love? Is it improving your relationship with that person? Is it making them want to be around you? Or is it, perhaps, resulting in the opposite? Do they know how you feel? If they do, is it necessary to keep putting it out there?

Dr. Phil often asks people, "Do you want to be right or be happy?"

I like to be right. But more than that, I want to be happy. And I want the people I love to be happy. What is it that you want?


Judy said...

Um, issues????

Tiffany said...

Now I want to know the story behind this. i someone snubbing you? Are you snubbing someone? Is someone you know snubbing someone? I really am curious.

Just so you know I love that you are in my bro's life. I can see how happy you make him. Sure I want you to get married and be officially in our family. But I get that you two are not into marriage. To each his own. I love you guys. Wish I could see more of you. But at least we have blogs and facebook to stay in touch.

Suzanne said...

Details withheld to protect the innocent. :) However, I will say that I've seen this play out in several different ways in the last few years, with several different people, and each time, I feel the posted sentiment more strongly. Don't you love that public soap box called the Internet?