Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The race...she is unkind

This was interesting week on TAR - some shuffling of team rankings and a little bit of tragedy (I'm probably the only person in the world who hears the Bee Gees singing, "Tragedy! When the feelin's gone and you can't go on, it's tragedy!" in my head everytime I see that word...). Let's recap.

1. Fly to Phnom Penh, Cambodia. J and I bounced a number of Sean Penn jokes off each other during this part. We were soon distracted from our jaunty word play, though, by Lance whining about being in a race for last place when he thought he wasn't going to get on the first plane. Who cares if you're not on the first flight as long as you're not the ONLY team on the second one? To keep racing, you only have to beat ONE other team, so quit yer whinin' Lance and just race. As usual, the producers pulled some strings and both teams got on the first plane, so his mewling was for naught anyway.

2. Foreign Correspondent's Club. As is frequently the case, the cabbie made all the difference. By getting a good one, Zev and Justin jetted into first place. I was stunned at how few of the team members knew Jackie Kennedy, though. Truly stunned. Not recognizing Jackie O is like not recognizing Marilyn Monroe. Do you these people not actually live in the U.S.???

3. Detour: Cover or Wrap. I think J could sell anything to anyone, but we probably would've gone with wrap, as most of the teams did. I would've wanted to keep the scarf, though. Pretty... :)

4. Roadblock: Monkey Business. This looked really easy. I'm not sure why so many team members had trouble with it. One thing I noticed is how many contestants kept their socks on. If you're trying to walk on a log, doesn't it seem like it would be easier in bare feet?

5. Pit Stop. I was SO excited when Zev and Justin made it to the Pit Stop first! I love these guys. (I told J that if we did the race and won even one leg and got one free trip, I'd feel like we were winners.) Imagine my frustration when they discovered Zev had lost his passport. Imagine my further chagrine when Justin dumped out his backpack and spread the contents all over the ground. That's not how you look for something, Justin. You've got to be systematic and neat. That kind of thing is how you lose a passport in the first place. But I digress.

I was really sad that the boys not only lost their first place standing but got eliminated all together. I was really rooting for them. And I would've been perfectly happy to see Maria and Tiffany (aka, The Liars) booted. These two have dodged the bullet twice now. Seriously, they should go down in the next round.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Bwahahahahaha on the Bee Gees - you KNOW I'm singing that song, too! HAHA Barry Gibbs!!!!!! WHOO HOOO!!!!

Maria and Tiffany irk me. I'll go give them the boot myself.