Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Amazing Race - cutoff!

Okay, so the NFL and MLB people are just going to have to start wrapping things up sooner on Sundays. J set our DVR to account for an extra hour of tape time for The Amazing Race since it's always getting bumped because of football and baseball running late. This week, that still wasn't enough and the last bit of the show was cut off! Arrrgh! But I did catch most of it, so here's my commentary for this week.

1. Fly to Dubai. I was impressed that Miss America Erica knew that the tallest building in the world was in Dubai. I sure as heck didn't know that off the top of my head! I laughed out loud, though, when The Brothers asked for a flight "to the Persian Gulf" at the ticket counter. What maroons.

As usual, all the teams ended up on the same flight. That's become standard now, so maybe they should just take the race to the airport and the scramble at the ticket counters out of the scripts. It's not suspenseful anymore since everyone knows now that the show is going to pull strings and make sure everyone is evened up by the flights.

Dubai was the picture of a modern city, but I wasn't terribly impressed with the fountain they led the teams to considering you can see the same thing in Las Vegas at the Bellagio - and with music. It also looked to be very steamy from the way everyone was sweating. And was that humidity or smog hanging over the horizon?

2. Top of the World, Ma!
I, like Mika, would not have enjoyed the idea of going to the top of that building. Old Suzy ain't too good with heights, and her fear that they might make the teams rappel down the side wasn't exactly unreasonable.

3. Fast Forward
J would have *loved* getting to race around the track, so if we'd be in the first group up to the clue, I'm sure we would've tried for that.

4. Head to the Desert/Roadblock
I laughed with joy at Lance not being able to find the cars in the parking garage and then getting lost at every turn. That guy is such a TOOL!

I'm not sure which of us would have done the water thing, but I guess probably J. He's got the stamina of a Bedouin when it comes to heat, and all the other teams had the guy doing it, so we probably would've followed suit. Alot of teams helped out other teams in the Dubai leg of the race. I'll be interested to see if that breeds some good karma or if bad teams end up not reciprocating in the end. I wouldn't have waited for the Poker Girls after they trashed their cars. You know the producers will give them another one, so why stick around? Not a smart way to run the race, Brothers.

5. Ski Dubai
How cool would this place have been - literally? LOL! Ooooooh, I crack myself up. We definitely would've done the sledding and then searched for a snowman. It would've been work, for sure. Those snowmen were tiny! But you get to be inside in the cool air, and it really just takes some perseverence.

At this point, our VCR cut off, so I didn't see any of the footage of the teams trying to build snowmen or any of the teams reaching the Pit Stop (except Meghan and Cheyne since they won early). This is tragic since Lance got booted, which I would've LOVED to have seen. From the recap at CBS, though, he actually handled it pretty well. If so, it was the first time since the race started that he wasn't an ass. Did anyone see it? What did you think?


Judy said...

Wish I could help! I always rely on you for my end-of-the-episode recap as we're usually tucking little boys into bed by then!

Tiffany said...

We finally got to it on our DVR and I was so happy that Lance and his lady got the boot. He was a tool.