Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A word to parents

Sorry, kids - working on a massive project and haven't had time to blog. It'll probably be that way for another couple of weeks. I may tell you about the project, but then again I may not. It depends on how it turns out!

In any case, I'll give you a quick blog shot here.

To all parents of young children, do not, I repeat DO NOT, bring your 2-year-old to a movie unless that movie involves cartoon pandas, penguins or cars. Seriously.

J and I went to see M. Night Shamalamadingdong's new movie, "The Happening," on Sunday. This is a suspense thriller-type movie. All of his movie's are. Heard of "The Sixth Sense"? Yeah, it's that guy. Well, not only did we have to shush some hag who TOOK A PHONE CALL about halfway through the movie (I'm not kidding - she not only answered the call, but began a conversation. When we shushed her and I gave her a curt, "Hey!" she got louder. More people then shushed her and I proceeded to yell "HEY!" with a tone that said, "I'm about to shove that phone right down your throat," so she wrapped it up.), but we had to endure some woman's toddler babbling, crying out, and running around the theater through the whole friggin' movie.

If we hadn't been in a theater that was all the way at the end of the building - 3 or 4 miles from the managers station at the front of the theater, I think I would've had the woman thrown out. Instead, I just muttered under my breath, "I hate her" every single time her kid ruined a suspenseful moment.

With movie prices the way they are these days, it's just plain unacceptable that people should have to put up with that. If you can't afford a sitter, then you can't afford to go to a movie. Everyone else in that theater is not a babysitter for your little bundle of joy, and everyone else in there paid a hefty sum to watch the movie in a theater - not your living room. Get Netflix. Get a Blockbuster card. Get a clue.

1 comment:

Judy said...


Scott's brother and wife (clueless wonders that they are) took their daughter to the movies when she was three - they were seeing some R feature, and they brought their portable DVD player with headphones on for K. Unfortunately, K's movie ended WELL before theirs - she caught quite an eye and earful before they realized she was no longer in the DVD player-zone.

And the Panda movie? Not appropriate for 2 year olds. Or 3 year olds for that matter. We found out the hard way.