Another great evening last night. An old friend was in town, so J and I met and her and her fiancee for a free concert by Guy Forsythe at Shady Grove. It's a much smaller venue than Zilker Park, so the space was a lot tighter than it was for the Asleep at the Wheel concert the night before, but we were able to eat a fine meal before the show, so I won't do no complainin'.
I will however complain about the allergies I am suffering with. The only thing that's been on the allergy report for some time now is mold, so that must be what I'm allergic to, and it can't help that I've been spending so much time outside. But I'm not going to sequester myself inside and stop living just to try to avoid mold. And from what I've been reading on the Internet, even if I did, there would just be mold in my house somewhere that would attack me. The damn stuff is apparently everywhere.
I've been taking Claritin, but I still end up with a headache right behind my eyes almost everyday, as well as post-nasal drip and congestion. It never seems to go away, no matter what the weather is, so I should probably see if I need to change meds or get allergy shots or something. I've about had it with feeling like crap everyday.
In any case, I did a little Internet research about mold allergy, and I found this article by this woman whose son was being absolutely plagued by it. They did this massive housecleaning effort to rid their house of mold, and then she mentioned that she had put her son on a particular diet until his symptoms subsided. These are the foods she said he had to avoid:
Hot dogs
Most nuts, especially pistachios and cashews
Anything with yeast - breads, bagels, etc.
Raw vegetables and fruit
Saturated fats, including butter
High vitamin A and high provitamin A beta-carotene foods - especially carrots, liver and pumpkin
Fruit juices
Refined grains
What exactly does that leave you? Pickles and grilled meat patty?
1 comment: Or is that a refined grain?
How about rice? Freshly harvested from your paddy that way it isn't "refined"? Honey? Can you put honey on that pickle?
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