Tuesday, June 03, 2008

In my email

Flatworm says, "We know what you want." Do you now?

First of all, Flatworm, I don't know who you are, but my first question is who is "we"? If you've got partners, I think I deserve to know who they are.

Second of all, when I think of a flat worm, I think of tapeworms. Tapeworms are disgusting. I'm not sure I want a tapeworm knowing my wants and desires.

Third of all, you *know* what I want? How do you *know* what I want? Did I tell you? No, I did not. Have you been reading my diary? PYSCH! I don't have a diary (and I love that show - when does the new season start?). Have you been talking to my friends? What makes you think I tell them everything? No, Flatworm, you do not know what I want. You just *think* you know.

And lastly, so what if you did know what I want? Unless you can actually get it for me, that knowledge is useless. So, what good are you and all your pointless pieces of ill-gotten data?

I think you and your mysterious little posse need to reevaluate what you hope to accomplish with all this email, Flatworm.

1 comment:

Judy said...

That's quite a little marketing tool old flatworm has going there...you'd think they could do better than spamming everyone to get the word out...