Wednesday, June 06, 2007

There's a reason.

I always hear people scoff when someone orders a fast-food lunch and then asks for a Diet Coke with it.

Yes, there are loads of calories in fast food, and they always say, gee, what's 140 more calories? If you're going to eat like a slug, eat like a slug! But I have to say, 140 calories is 140 calories, and sometimes it's saving the calories in the Coke that let you splurge them on something else. Or vice-versa.

Ever since I had to start watching my weight more carefully (damn this age thing and a slowing metabolism!), I've been much more aware of not only how many calories I take in, but where they come from. I try to periodically track things on so I have a good sense of what the right amount of calories looks like.

It's really opened my eyes about portions, but also how you can nickel and dime yourself into Fat Town. A couple of years ago I found myself with the choice of either cutting back or buying a whole new wardrobe one size bigger. I couldn't see blowing the cash, so I started watching calories.

It's not a "diet." There's no special strategy to it. I just try to watch how much I take in and work out a few times a week. It seems to do the trick. And if I feel like being extravagent on vacation or a holiday or just the weekend, I do what I want then try to be vigilant during the week.

Which brings me to my original point. If I'm on a "try to keep it less than X calories a day" day, and I eat one meal that's going to blow a bunch of my calories, so long as I keep it light for my others that day, I'm still good. But I have to cut somewhere. And an obvious choice is my drink. The 140 calories I save on my lunch drink can be eaten at breakfast. Which would you rather do? Skip breakfast or drink a diet drink at lunch? Me - I'd rather eat the extra meal.

In reverse, if I eat a Lean Cuisine at lunch, I can have a real Coke. The calories I saved with my food just bought me a yummy, full sugar, full caffeine super-wonderful Coke Classic. And if I've stuck to Lean Cuisine and diet drinks all week? Now, I can have the big lunch AND the Coke. And still fit into my clothes. Yeeeeeaahhh.

See? There's a method to the madness. Don't be a hater when someone's at least trying to cut SOME calories. The little stuff adds. up.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Hey - I started on a site called Pretty cool - I'm tracking my food, and it automatically gives me my calories, fat, carbs and protein for the day and adjusts my goals for my current weight to aim for my goal weight. It is totally baby steps and do as much or as little as you want.

Just sayin'.