Thursday, June 07, 2007

Rye grass

Die, rye grass, die.

I brought you, weed,
into my life,
To stop the HOA

They're buttheads,
jerks and useless drains
who never use their
tiny brains.

They claimed,
"Your lawn! It is not green!"
There was a drought.
I was not keen.

To shut them up,
I tossed rye seed.
Who knew I'd regret
the simple deed?

Mowing in February
just ain't right.
I pray the summer
will end my plight.

I've heard the heat
will kill rye grass.
I do hope so.
It's a pain in the ass.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Ah yes, rye grass.

Easy to grow. Hell to get rid of.

maybe a goat?