Thursday, July 27, 2006

So rested

You can get all kinds of sleep when your alarm clock is broken, as mine appears to be. On Monday and Tuesday, I assumed it was operator error. I must've forgotten to turn it on or maybe the volume was turned down on the radio, etc. Gah!! Then Wednesday, I woke up early, before the alarm, so I never even noticed that it never went off. But this morning, when I woke up at 6:45, 15 minutes before I was supposed to leave the house, I was sure it wasn't my fault.

I checked the setting - yes, alarm on (which I was sure of since I made a point of checking that before I went to bed last night). Turned the radio on - yes, it's on a station and the volume is loud enough. Checked the alarm time - yes, it's set at 6 a.m., not p.m. The damn thing just didn't go off. Bugger!!

I called in that I'd be late, ran around like a crazy person to get ready, and managed to only get in about 15 minutes late. Not bad considering I was 45 minutes late getting up. Some people I know have "internal alarm clocks" - as in they don't need an alarm clock. They just *know* when to wake up and do it, even if it's a bizarre time - like 4 a.m. to get up for a flight or something. My dad is like that. It's amazing. I am NOT one of those people. So, now I have to buy a new alarm.

I'm practically blind without my contacts, so it has to be something with numbers that glow brightly so when I wake up at 3:34 a.m. for no apparent reason, I can see that I have another 2.5 hours of sleep yet, and I can sink happily back down into the pillow. I'm one of those people that has to know what time it is at all times, including the middle of the night.

And it has to be small. I have very small bedside tables, and the alarm has to share space with a lamp, a stack of books, a bottle of water, my glasses and miscellaneous items I stash there before drifting off. I suppose there's some sort of spacial dissonance to my bed/bedside table arrangement, because I have a large, queen-sized bed and then these tiny bedside tables. But I bought them when I had a full bed and lived in an apartment with a very small bedroom - not much room for side tables. They match my new bed and the other furniture in the room, though, so I keep them. Until I buy the new alarm, I'll use my cell phone alarm - one more thing to take up space on the bedside table, but at least it will wake me up on time.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Before you completely chunk the clock, unplug it, reset it and set the alarm for 5 minutes past the current time and see if it works. Sometimes they just need a little push to get going again.