Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Say "Cheese" or "Suzanne, you are GLAM!!"

I have taken the leap and bought a digital camera. Yes, that's right, I'm like Future Woman! "Look at her and you shall see what TomorrowLand looks like!!"

I actually picked out this camera (a Canon PowerShot SD450) months ago, but it was pricey, and I couldn't pull the trigger. My mom wanted to buy it for me for my birthday, but I couldn't let her. It was too much money. And my budget was a little tight at the time. So, I waited. I can be patient when it's called for. Well, Canon has come out with a new version with more pixels, so guess what that means? Mine dropped in price!

So, yesterday, I zipped over to Circuit City and picked it up. I even got a deal on some 528 mb memory cards. I can take like a gagillion pictures now!! And post them! Except, I'm not entirely sure how many photos you really want of my cat and my cube at work. But hey man - you come here voluntarily. Clearly you WANT to know the minutiae of my life. So, here's the first one of my cube:

It's like I'm a rock star, right? Don't be jealous of my cube, though. Don't be a hater. It takes years of education and hard work to achieve this kind of work environment. Pay your dues, man. Pay your dues. And if you really live right, you, too, can someday own a digital camera. Make your dreams come true.


Judy said...

CONGRATS! How awesome for you!

Okay, the camera, not the cube.

There are WALLS there, woman! I'd go nuts!

Suzanne said...

It's only the suggestion of walls. It looks like there are walls, but there's no ceiling attached, and there's no door - just an open spot among the imaginary walls leading to my chair, so everyone can hear everything. I think there's a button somewhere someone could push, and they'd disappear.