Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Happy Birthday, America!

What a busy week it's been since my last post! Friday night I went to my folks' house, and my brother came down with his family. We spent most of Saturday watching to see what would happen with the shuttle and swimming, then celebrated my sister-in-law's birthday early on Saturday (today is her real birthday - Happy Birthday, Lisa!). Sunday my brother and sister-in-law headed back to Houston, and my folks and I took the kids to church and then to their first circus. They had a blast!

Monday included a picnic and a trip to play in the river, and Tuesday we watched the shuttle launch, visited family and had more bathing suit time. It's been non-stop action! I don't know how you full-time parents do it. I was exhausted by the time I got home last night.

I somehow managed to miss "Treasure Hunters," which I didn't even realize until last night! It kept feeling like last night was Sunday. Anyway, I had to read the recap to find out what happened, and apparently I missed some interesting action. The recap wasn't very good, though. I saw that the Grad Students had to drop out because of the one girls' injured ankle. No surprise there. But then I saw that the Browns are back in, but the recap didn't say why. Only later did I find out it was because the Grads had to drop out.

It looks like the Geniuses gave the Fogals a little of what they needed - some good old-fashioned deception. Good. The Fogals have nerve asking anyone for anything. It bites that Air Force got stuck with the Fogals by default after screwing up the schoolroom clue. The recap said the other teams ganged up on Air Force during the bullet-clue portion of the game, but again, the recap didn't say why. Can anyone 'splain why the other teams did that? Air Force hasn't been nasty to anyone, have they?

The recap also said the Hanlons didn't want to play nice with their partners the Browns b/c they thought it was bogus the Browns got back in on the heels of the Grads misfortune. Whatever Hanlons. The Hanlons were hardly in a position to be looking down their noses at anyone else. They barely figured anything out from Day One. And they got exactly what they deserved when the Browns beat them out for the last clue. Stupid AND rude is not a good combination. Have a nice ride back home.


Judy said...

I missed it, too - better luck next week!

Fun for you with the niece and nephew - hope you took tons of pictures!

Anonymous said...

Ok, Suz. You got me to start watching Treasure Hunters now because of your blog, so I saw this past episode. So her was the deal: The other six teams basically just ganged up on the Air Force team and the Fogels for different reasons - with the Fogels, it's obvious why, but I think that they went against the AF team simply because that team has been the best so far and they were a big threat.

The Browns were put back in the competition, and I was very happy about that because they're nice. The Hanlons (aka white trash) were rude and told the Browns that they weren't going to let them share their boat ride over to the island to get the last artifact (sharing the boat was an option for the first four teams to the dock - all shared except the Hanlons). But then the Hanlons couldn't figure out the last clue to find the artifact (morons), so they started cheating by going over and trying to steal the lock combination right from the Browns! Can you believe their nerve?! The Browns won and the Hanlons lost. Karma, baby.