Wednesday, November 18, 2009

From five to four

The Amazing Race is officially tight now. This week we started with five teams and now we are four. My thoughts on this week:

Travel to Estonia
The teams had to travel from Stockholm to Estonia by ferry. In true TAR fashion, they left the pitstop starting at 2:23 a.m., but the first ferry didn't depart until 5:45 p.m. Someone please tell me the point of having teams depart the pitstop in the middle of the freakin night when they can't go anywhere until the evening! Really annoying, guys. Annoying.

Estonian monk types
When evening finally came (!), the teams traveled overnight to Estonia where they had to find a building called "Mustpeade" where some sort of brotherhood (monks? Shriners? Who knows - I'm sure they said and I wasn't listening) holds their feasts and meetings and whatnot. They had figure out how to unlock the door, at which point a loud alarm sounded while they pushed open the door. What's the point of the alarm, anyway? Seems like you'd want an alarm if someone is breaking into your lair, but why do you want one when someone is entering using the proper key? Weird.

Anyway, each team had to grab a candelabra with a room number, then go to that room, where they found a scroll. They had to figure out to hold the scroll over the candle to reveal the clue. Oddly, I knew exactly what they were supposed to do as soon as I saw the scroll, but I can't fault Flight Time and Matt for thinking they might need to color the scroll with the crayon to reveal the message. It's not unreasonable. You just have to remember that they wouldn't give you the candelabra if you're not supposed to use it for something.

Pikk Hermann Tower Garden
Dan and Sam got all bent out of shape that the Globetrotters were following them to the tower. Whatever, man. You're going to the same place. What are they supposed to do - purposely go a different way, even if they think you might be right, just so you don't get your knickers in a twist? It's a race and you're all going the same places, you idiot. That means sometimes teams will be following each other!

Serve or Sling
J and I said we'd have done "Serve" because we both play volleyball. Meaghan and Shane clearly play, because they knocked the Detour right out. But J pointed out that it sure would be easy to snap an ankle or knee or something in that bog. You turn one way to get the ball, and your leg doesn't move with you. What got my attention was at the end of the task, Meaghan noted that it smelled bad. I hadn't thought about that! I'd definitely be headin' for the shower after checking in at the Pit Stop!

The fight between the Globetrotters and Brothers got ugly at this point, though. I honestly don't think either team was trying to be dirty. I think the brothers were running to the Pit Stop, and Flight Time was trying to pass them, and there wasn't enough room, and they got tangled up and he and Dan fell. I don't think he *meant* to take Dan down, and I don't think Dan *meant* to push or trip Flight Time. There just wasn't room, and they were slippery from the bog, and they both had arms flailing. But they're mad at each other now, so they're each accusing the other of pushing and playing dirty. It's a shame it's gotten like that between them.

Pit Stop
I was sorry to see Matt and Gary get knocked out. I like them. But they can feel good about how far they got. Top 5 ain't bad! I wouldn't mind seeing the brothers go out at this point. They're on my nerves now. I almost hate to see what the next leg will bring with them and the Globetrotters!

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