Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Would you like fries with that?

Austin dodged a bullet. We came *this* close to having a mayor named Brewster McCracken. I'm so not joking - that's a real name by a real political candidate.

That would've meant Austin's highest official would've been Mayor McCracken. Tell me that doesn't sound like Mayor McCheese.

Luckily, he bowed out of the run-off with Lee Leffingwell. I honestly don't know the man's politics. I just moved back into the city two months ago (before then I was outside city limits and couldn't vote in city elections, so I didn't keep up), and was way too busy getting settled in to get educated on the candidates and be in a position to vote. But I have to believe it's in the city's interest to have a Mayor Leffingwell instead of a Mayor McCracken.

I know that sounds shallow, but the man's name sounds like a 9-year-old boy's joke about his butt. "Hey, pull up your pants - I can see your McCracken!!" That couldn't have been an advantage to our national reputation, could it?

No, this is for the best. Leffingwell. Sounds like "living well." I think that's more what we're going for.

Maybe this will be a new trend for me - picking political candidates based on their names. It would certainly save me time on researching the issues!

1 comment:

Judy said...

There is not a thing in the world wrong with not wanting a Mayor McCracken. Criminey - why would someone with that name even CONSIDER a life of politics? Seriously????