Friday, May 01, 2009

One Day at a Time

So, the whole "Maude" thing a few days ago got me nostalgic for the sitcoms of my youth. Not only do I enjoy TV, but as a singer, I'm also a fan of the TV theme song (thus my mention yesterday of the Greatest American Heroes band - that's two plugs, guys - what do I get for my marketing efforts??). So, I decided to take a little trip down memory lane and find some of my favorite 70s sitcom theme songs to share.

I think I may make this a standing Friday thang for a while, in the same vein as Judy's Friday Flashback of 80s music videos. I ran out of steam quickly when I started to do this with cartoons (mostly because so few people shared my cartoon humor), but I think I'm gonna hit some gold with sitcoms. You all like to pretend you're too good for TV, but I'm gonna be bringin' back some memories with the gems I dig up! Take it to the bank!

So "Maude" notwithstanding, since I didn't actually get the theme song, let's start this nostalgia train with a litte "One Day at a Time." This is a good one. Mackenzie Phillips before the drugs caught up to her. Bonnie Franklin when hip women believed that bra-less was cool (until they all discovered their boobs had gotten all droopy and stretch-marked). Schneider - because it's fun to say his name. Valerie Bertinelli when she was young and cute. Oh, how I wanted her hair! And I learned a valuable lesson from this show: running away with your teenage boyfriend in his van is not as much fun as you think it will be.


Judy said...

Was Mary Louise Wilson in "Rocky Horror Picture Show"? LOL

I loved One Day At a Time...

ang said...

So I couldn't remember the theme song until I played the clip, and then surprisingly, I remembered a lot more of the lyrics than I thought I would! Very cool...