Friday, May 22, 2009

My two cents

I know it's supposed to be Sitcom Friday, but I haven't had a chance yet to comment about American Idol, and I feel like I must.

Since I griped weeks ago about Adam Lambert, I feel it is my duty to now issue a thought or two on his loss.

1. I won't lie. I'm glad Kris one. After Danny got tossed, and it was down to Kris or Adam, Kris was definitely my choice. And it's not because Adam is gay and I'm prejudiced or any of that rot. It's because Kris's STYLE is more sellable. This is a contest where the prize is a recording contract and, hopefully, a singing career, and while the Adam lovers out there can't gush enough about his amazing talent (and can't tell the rest of us enough about what plebes we are for not loving it to the core of our being), the fact is, the majority of people out there would not pay to listen in their cars to an entire album of his songs. They just wouldn't. Adam is a showman, and that's not what's being downloaded on iTunes.

2. That said, I have to make it clear that I DO feel Adam is talented. The fact that I don't care for his style and think Kris and Danny would make more profitable and listenable recording artists doesn't mean I can't appreciate his talent, and I definitely think he has a career ahead of him - on stage. Adam should be a stage performer. He should be on Broadway or should have a glam band of some kind that's all about theatrics and big lights and costume changes, etc. There's an audience out there for that, and they would LOOOOOOOVE Adam in that role. I'm just not in that audience, nor are the majority of American Idol voters, as evidenced by the fact that Kris not only won, but won by a large margin.

3. Not only do I think Adam is talented, I think he's a really nice guy. I really do. I think he's genuine and kind, and he's not some pompous ass that I snarl at every time he comes on stage. If I snarled at something, it was the bias the judges and media were showing him. I found that really unfair to the other contestants, and I hated that they wanted to manipulate me as a voter. But that's not Adam. He just went out there each week and did the best that he could, taking advantage of the resources at his disposal - AS HE SHOULD. Adam was never a jerk, and being a decent human being is far more important than being a talented one any day of the week. That will serve him for his entire life, and I wish him well because of it.

4. If someone preferred Kris or Danny to Adam, it doesn't mean they have an uneducated ear and that Americans are idiots or that we "got it wrong." You can't get it wrong. You like what you like, and you cast your vote in favor of that. There is no right or wrong - there's what people like or don't like.

If more people like Kris Allen/Keith Urban than do Adam Lambert/KISS, they're not wrong - they simply like something different than what the Lambert fans like. If someone is really super-talented at yodeling, you may be able to make an argument that, "Well, Kris Allen can't make his voice do that!" But if I don't like yodeling, then it doesn't matter how great the yodeler is, I'm still going to vote in favor of Kris Allen because I prefer what he does. And if that's what you like, you're not "wrong" - anymore than someone who prefers brunettes to blondes is "wrong." Blondes are not intrinsically more beautiful (sorry, J), and a person likes what they like, and while Adam is great at what he does, if I don't like what he does, then that's my preference/opinion, and it's valid - as valid as someone's preference FOR what Adam does.

So, the folks who like Lambert should stop ranting vitriol that the rest of us are stupid. And Adam should keep being the good person that he is and follow the path where his talent and hard work lead him, because it will definitely lead to success. And Kris should embrace the vote of confidence in what he has to offer that this win represents, and he should listen carefully to the professionals that will help guide him to success if he'll let them.

And that's my two cents. Have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

ang said...

Well said, Suzanne. I myself liked both Adam AND Kris a lot, but for totally different reasons. I'm happy for both of them and am confident that both will have successful careers in music. I will buy both CDs.