Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Honking for hostility

Ya know what gives me a heart attack when I'm driving - even more than the siren I can hear "somewhere" but can't find, and therefore, am unsure if I'm in the path of some speeding emergency vehicle and should move, or if I should stay where I am, because moving would actually put me in the way? Random honking.

I swear, car horns should be rigged where if you're using the horn and it's not actually an emergency, it shocks you.

On at least two occasions recently, I've either been driving or sitting at a light, when someone started jamming on their horn. Not one long, continuous beep, or the quick little beep people do when you've looked away and the light has changed and they're telling you to go. No, these have been repeated honks that indicated some kind of urgency. Only when I look around, I can't determine what's so urgent.

Is there an out-of-control bus bearing down on us, and the driver can't slow down or a bomb will explode the bus and we'd all better hurry up and pull to the side of the road? Has an old lady fallen in the road in front of my car, and I can't see her, and I'm about to drive right over her unless I heed your alert to stop? Is my car on fire?

I'm honestly not sure what it was about. Possibly someone was just saying hello to someone else, in which case, I should be within my legal rights to punch you in the face for scaring me and anyone else who had to listen to your alarming honking and get distracted from what they should've been doing - aka, driving.

If it was someone mad at some other driver for not moving quickly enough after a light turned or trying to change lanes (the nerve!), then the honker needs to switch to decaf.

But for the greater good, I'll just simply request to everyone out there to please be judicious about how you use your car horn. It's not a toy, people.


Judy said...

I can't ever FIND my horn. I might want to use it, but it will be a good 2 minutes before I locate it.

Sluggin' Beauty said...

Girl! Be glad you don't live up's mandatory to honk your horn at least twice a day.