Tuesday, April 28, 2009

And then there's Maude...

I'm a little late getting to this, but Bea Arthur died this past week. I always liked the way she delivered a sharp line with her withering glare. The line always came after a long pause that had you laughing before she even got to the jab. I looked for a clip of her doing one of those trademark cuts, but I couldn't find one.

I also looked for the Maude theme song, which I like. There's a band here in Austin called The Greatest American Heroes, and their schtick is that they perform all TV theme songs. It's way fun to see them and sing along, and they always start their show with the Maude theme song. It's got groove, baby! But I couldn't find that either (except a version where Rosie O'Donnell is singing it to Bea, and I just can't abide by Rosie O'Donnell).

So, instead, I'll include this tribute to Bea that someone put together. God'll getcha for that.

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