Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm indoors too much, maybe.

So, it's going to get into the 100s again this week here in fabulous Austin, Texas. We're used to that, so we don't worry too much about it. But I have to say it creates a dilemma for me regarding clothes.

No, I'm not conflicted about whether to wear them. I just have trouble deciding if I should dress for the weather or the air conditioning. See, I'm cold by nature. If I have the a.c. set where I'm comfortable, everyone else is hot. The only exception is when I'm sleeping. To sleep, I have to have it really cold. But when I'm conscious, I like things kinda balmy. That means that whenever I'm at someone else's house, I'm cold.

That also means that I'm cold at the office. So, year-round, I have to have a space heater. Because if the a.c. is set where everyone else is comfortable, I'm freezing. So, the question becomes should I dress warmer to accommodate the a.c., which I'll be sitting in all day, or do I dress for the actual weather. Because if I'm dressed to keep warm and I have to leave the office for anything, I'll pass out from the heat.

I've ended up dressing for the weather and then futzing with the heater all day. If the air isn't blowing, I turn it off. If the air kicks on, then I turn the heater on and decide if I need it up on the desk, blowing on my arms, or on the floor blowing on my feet. I spend the whole day moving it around and turning it on and off. It's quite the pain the butt, if you must know. I used to have an office sweater, but I came to hate it, and I don't really want a caricature of myself someday wearing an awful sweater, so I did away with it.

So that's what I'm stuck with. Maybe I need my own climate-controlled bubble like The Boy in The Plastic Bubble. I want one that doesn't come with a John Travolta, though. I'm a Scientology-free zone.

1 comment:

Judy said...

I know! Quit yer job! Lay around on your warm couch and in the warm sun and just BE! YAY!

