Monday, April 28, 2008

I'm tired.

Wow. So, I've really been outta pocket. But in my defense, I was working. Really long days. Mostly on my feet. I'm still pretty tired. So, I just haven't had any blog time. But I'm back! Kinda.

As I said, I'm still pretty tired and not thinking too creatively, but I do have the following thoughts in light of my life the past week:

- At what point do tequila shots outgrow their appeal? For me, it was many, many years ago. Yet I saw grown adults, far older than me, make a big production out of them this weekend. And it was just...sad.

- Why do people think a work-related convention is the same thing as a vacation? I'm not talking about those of us working it. I mean the people attending. People, when you attend a convention with your WORK PEERS, at least attempt to present a professional front. You do or want to do business with the other people attending, right? So, maybe attending a party in clothes you'd wear to a beach party, or worse yet, your boyfriend's kitchen the morning after a big night out, isn't *exactly* appropriate. If I have to sit across from someone in a meeting, I'd prefer not to picture where all their hidden tattoos are.

- Sleep is a beautiful thing.

- Slacker co-workers should be forbidden from speaking in follow-up meetings where you talk about how everything went. If you didn't participate in planning it, and you didn't do any actual work during it, you don't get a critical voice after the fact.

- Sleep is a wonderous and beautful thing.

- That's it for now. I'm tired.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Sleep IS a beautiful thing - go get some!