Friday, April 18, 2008

I'm like the Matrix.

You never know how fast you can move until a full-size bat comes flying right at your face.

We had another flying mammal visitor in our office this afternoon, and this time he did more than just hang in the hallway. He actually flew around our office. And he was huge.

I'm part cat, so my curiosity made it impossible for me to just shut my office door and let things play out. I had to go look. And when I did, Mr. Bat divebombed me. Twice. I doubt it was intentional. If I had to guess, he was as freaked out as we were and just wanted out.

But I gotta tell you, you have no idea how flexible and fast you are until a bat is taking aim at you. They're quick. And wiley. This one came zooming out of one office (the one NEXT to the office where there's a door leading outside) right at me, and I hit the floor. Not forward, like I'm sliding into a base, but backwards, like Neo in the Matrix. Except Neo didn't actually hit the ground - he just leaned way back and held. I didn't hold.

But I have the admiration of my co-workers for both my gymnastic-like quality hitting the deck and the fact that I could get up afterward. I don't think I pulled any muscles, but my wrists are kind of sore.

I think the best part of the whole experience, though, was the way our one co-worker (the one who eventually caught the bat when he finally tuckered out and landed on an inbox, panting) kept saying to us all, "Just relax!"


Johnny Austin said...

That is the best story I've heard all day! All Week! Damn Gena! You move like a ninja! I'm super impressed, mostly because I've seen bats move, and they are as agile as anything, but you are a kat in human clothes for sure! I would have loved to have seen you dodge Batty!


Judy said...

I think I'm hearing that echo-y thuck-thuck-thuck-thuck-thuck-thuck that you think of when people are running in slo-mo. Wish I could have seen the whole thing go down!