Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hey, I've been very busy.

Good lord, I'm dropping the ball! It's been a week since my last post. I've been getting ready for a big work conference, and I've been neglecting the blog. I know - I need to get my priorities straight!

Let's see. What is there to report since the last blog? Well, I haven't attempted any baking, except for some tostadas, and I wasn't completely thrilled with the outcome on those - the cheese didn't melt the way I like. That might have been a cheese issue rather than an oven issue, though. Not sure.

Watched some movies. Downloaded some music. Sang. Danced. Took photos. Rode a bike. Worked. Shopped. Killed varmints and insects who THOUGHT they wanted to live in my house (Homey don't play dat). Didn't wear makeup yesterday. Drank less caffeine and suffered no ill effects, meaning...I don't have to drink less caffeine!! Took a nap (not at work). Bought some new stock.

All in all, an eventful week. And yet, here I am, a week older, and I feel no different.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Well, I was beginning to wonder about you!

Varmints, eh? The next door neighbors here have their house on the market for some INSANE price, and they have rat traps out because apparently they're subletting to the mice from under their shed. Anyway, she forgot to pick up the traps and a family came through - you never saw people leave a showing quicker! HAHAHA Actually, it was a bit sad for my neighbors, but seriously - you'd think she'd remember to pick up the traps!