Wednesday, December 05, 2007

It's a competition! I

A friend of mine sent me a link to a cool site today. Okay, it's not really cool. It's nerdy, but it's also do-goody, so you can indulge your inner wordsmith and do some good in the world at the same time. You don't have an inner wordsmith? Well, then, you sucketh.

The site is called, and it's a vocabulary game. They give you a word and 4 definitions to choose from. If you get the definition right, the site donates 20 grains of rice to the UN World Food Program.

For all of you people good at "math" and "numbers" and "adding things," please go there, then report to me how many words you got wrong so that for once, I can feel superior. For everyone like me, word people, this is our world. Go live in it for a while and feel competent. Do it before you go to lunch today and are asked to calculate tax and tip on your lunch. You'll feel better.

Oh, yeah, and you're helping hunger...blah, blah, blah...feeding people...yadda, yadda.


Unknown said...

Cool Game, I did marginally well. But after a while I was just guessing... I know for a fact I'm not as bright as you, but I can guess good... I did donate 240 grains of rice before I gave up, so I did my good for the day, besides, that's all I'll be eating today anyway, 240 grains of rice...

Judy said...

I got up to around 450 before I finally shut it down - too much to do - can I just send a bag of rice? Seems much easier. ;-)