Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Better days for The Murph

Well, the rehydration and antibiotics seem to be doing the trick for The Murphinator.

Last night, she was her usual social self, sitting next to me on the couch, following me around, and bumping the phone with her head while I tried to talk and purring into the receiver.

She had eaten, and her meow was back to its loud, insistent quality - who would've thought I'd be glad for that?

I haven't seen her drink any water yet, but seeing as the vet pumped her full of fluids on Monday evening, maybe she just wasn't thirsty yet. I have to say it's an odd occurrence to see your cat's back leaking water. I'm hoping that tonight, though, I'll see her hitting the water trough. The subcutaneous fluids they gave her Monday should have all been absorbed by now, and since she's eating again, she should get thirsty again.

So, I don't think I'll need to take any donations for her medical care, but thanks to all of you who so generously offered to contribute. Murphy is touched by your concern, and she says to tell you all that she now knows that you all like her - you really like her!

1 comment:

Judy said...

YAY Murphy! Glad she's so much better!