Monday, March 09, 2009

Tips for Living Comfortably

From the folks who brought you How to Pretend You're Listening and Things That Are More Fun Than Getting a Pelvic Exam (in three volumes), a new and exciting tome will soon be on the shelves to help you live a better life!

This brilliant new work of non-fiction is currently in the early stages of production. In fact, this is the first entry. It occurred to me this weekend. But I'm confident that I will soon have a great many Tips for Living Comfortably. So stayed tuned to this blog for the advance publication of these fantastic, hidden suggestions and for the announcement when this must-have book goes on sale at a bookstore near you!

Tip #1: Make sure the water in the Neti Pot is WARM - not HOT.

I would even go so far as to use the adjective LUKEWARM. Should you forget this tip, you will learn a new definition for "sinus pain." The melodramatic use of the phrase in commercials for the purpose of selling you decongestant is a joke of fantastical dimension compared to what you feel when you sear the entire length of your sinus passage from within with water that "seemed okay" when you stuck your finger under the tap.

Boiling your face from behind will make you want to smash your Neti Pot into a thousand tiny plastic pieces. But that won't help. So just trust your humble author and be very careful with the temperature of the water in your Neti Pot. I promise that doing so will lead to living more comfortably.


Judy said...


Johnny Austin said...

Laugh Out Loud! That is hilarious! I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you...